Photo Gallery
75th Anniversary - Various
Saturday, October 25, 2008
In the spring of 1933, a devastating fire struck the home of Dan and Mae Carey on Hickory Street in Frankford. When the fire was discovered, the Millsboro and Selbyville Fire companies responded to the alarm. Millsboro’s fire engine was positioned in front of the fully engulfed house where citizens from the town formed a bucket brigade, utilizing water from Joe Carey’s hand pump across the street from the fire, to keep Millsboro’s booster tank supplied with water. Despite their best efforts, the firefighters and citizens were unable to save the Carey home leaving them with only the clothing they were wearing as their sole possessions. From the ashes of this devastating fire came the birth of the fire company as we know it today, for on May 23, 1933 many of those citizens who formed the bucket brigade became Charter Members of the Frankford Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. On Saturday October 25, 2008 the Frankford Volunteer Fire Company and the Town of Frankford, Delaware celebrated this milestone together for it was not only the 75th Anniversary of the fire company but also the 125th Anniversary of the Town of Frankford. In recognition of these events, the fire company and the town came together to hold a parade through town and a Fall Festival and Open House at the newly renovated fire station. During these events, members of the community and surrounding fire companies joined the membership of Station 76 in dedicating our new fire station and dining hall. The members of the Frankford Volunteer Fire Company would like to congratulate the Town of Frankford on their 125th birthday and thank town officials for working collectively with us to put together a wonderful event. We’d also like to thank everyone who came out to join in our celebration, especially our brother firefighters from the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company Station 80 who were celebrating their 55th Anniversary of service to their community on the same day as our event. We’d also like to send a special thank you to the crew from Volunteer Hose Company Station 27 in Middletown, DE who drove two hours from their fire district and spent the day covering our fire district so we could celebrate our 75th year of “Unselfish Devotion”. Speaks volumes about the brotherhood of firemen doesn’t it!!! Please take the time to view our photos and come back to visit us again in the next few months when we hope to have an updated history of the Frankford Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. posted on our website.